Duramax 6.6L Single-Remote Oil Bypass System
What are the Benefits of Oil Bypass Systems?
Efficient Small Particle and Soot Removal
The high-efficiency AMSOIL Ea® Bypass Filter element is also an effective soot-removal device. The filter element is composed of a highly efficient media, which increases soot-removal efficiency when the bypass filter is used in conjunction with a standard full-flow filter.
Significantly Extended Engine Life
The majority of engine wear is caused by particles in the 5-20 micron range. Because AMSOIL Ea® Bypass Filters effectively remove contaminants down to 2 microns, your engine receives the ultimate in wear protection. Less engine wear keeps the engine in better physical condition, extending its life.
Increased Filtration Capacity and Life
An additional filter adds additional opportunity to filter particles out of the oil. The full-flow filter removes larger particles down to about 20 microns, while the bypass filter removes the smaller particles down to 2 microns. Working together, these filters provide next-level protection for your engine.
Improved Oil Cooling
With increased oil capacity, the oil filtration system contains more fluid through which it can disperse heat from the engine. This allows the engine and the oil to run cooler.
Increased Fluid System Capacity
By installing an additional filter, the engine oiling system has the capacity to hold more oil. The increased fluid capacity and filtration life ensures the equipment constantly runs on highly filtered oil. Engine efficiency is increased, providing extended engine life.
Reduced Maintenance Costs
AMSOIL Bypass Systems provide a dramatic increase in engine protection. Proven to help you avoid costly repairs associated with engine wear.
Dramatically Extended Drain Intervals
AMSOIL Ea® Bypass Filters can help users extend their oil drain intervals. AMSOIL recommends using oil analysis when extending oil drain intervals.
Reviewed by Lynn:
EaBP filters
If there is anything out there that is better, I haven't found it. Even the local fast oil change place see this as mystical. There is no question it keeps my Diesel oil cleaner, longer - period.

Reviewed by BigDaddy KMB:
Ford 6.7L Dual Remote Bypass System
I installed the Bypass system 2 weeks ago and the installation was simple. No Leaks, easy Instructions and Great YouTube installation videos. I ordered additional filters to have on hand. So far So Good. I recommend highly based on research taken for the 6.7.

Best filter system for Diesel engines
I recommend this system to everyone with a Diesel and Gas engine. I have been using it for 15 years without any issues. It removes soot from your oil which is excellent way to keep clean oil. I change every year or 25000 miles